New album release on June 1th on all platforms!
FAVO3 - where do we go
Album release tour June 2024, check the dates!
Get your personal FAVO3 compact disc or purchase the album digitally on the favo3 bandcamp page, click above or check the favo3 Merch section!
Upcoming Dates
Is magic happening when you hear favo3
Oh Yes!
People are blown away by the beauty, intensity and pureness of the favo3 sound and energy., favo3 creates a breathtaking musical journey between the human voice and two unique wind instruments.
favo3 makes you want to dance, touches your deepest emotions and makes you experience the absolute beauty of lyrical melodies, harmony and subtle rhythms and groove.
favo3 is music from the world, for the world!
favo3 is
Volker Holly Schlott (DE) - soprano saxophone, c-melody saxophone
Falk Breitkreuz (DE) - Bass clarinet, alto clarinet
Sander De Winne (BE) - voice, percussion